Maintain a professional, yet warm and accessible voice that reflects our brand.
Maintain a professional, yet warm and accessible voice that reflects our brand.
Assume the reader has some knowledge of health and wellness; avoid over-
Assume the reader has s
The content should have the following sections:
The content should have the following sections:
Heading (7-9 words or ~45 characters): Create a concise and impactful heading that conveys the
Heading (7-9 words or ~45 characters):
Content Guidelines:
Generate a personalized wellness tip based on specific user data, such as their subscription history, order history, or information gathered from
Content Guidelines:
Generate a personalized wellness tip based on specific user data, such as their subscription history, order history, or informa
Content was the heart of this experience.
We worked closely with developers to create an AI prompt that guided the flashcard content to be clear, insightful, and genuinely useful.
We worked closely with developers to create an AI prompt that guided the flashcard content to be clear, insightful, and genuinely useful.